- Seeing Michelle and the Obama kids in the White House.
- Getting my life back and ungluing myself from my TV and laptop.
- Finding out who David Brooks, the NY Times intelligent conservative voted for.
- Finding out who Bill Kristol, the NY Times unintelligent conservative will blame for the Republican loss (even though people like him and Ann Coulter are why people are scared of the party).
- Hearing what Shelby Steele, the author of A Bound Man: Why We are Excited about Obama and Why He Can't Win, has to say.
- Watching Sean Hannity explode from all the hate he has stored up inside (and admitting he has a man-crush on Obama).
- Watching public celebrations around the world, especially in Africa and the African diaspora.
- Most of all, knowing that George W. Bush is no longer at the helm.
More to come as I think of them. Here's Bill Kristol on The Daily Show