Thursday, March 20, 2008

Where Leadership and Vision Can Take Us

This story from the NY Times about how many groups of people are responding to Senator Obama's call to action on perfecting our imperfect union is proof positive that the job of a leader is to provide vision, not to simply respond to what is politically expedient.

We have heard much in recent years about the post-9/11 world but what was so essential about the post-9/11 world is that in the aftermath of that calamity, people around the world (including the Muslim world) were looking for leadership and open to a vision of unity and healing.... and yes some of our leaders in the religious sphere including Rev. Jeremiah Wright might have failed us by being small thinkers but so did our leaders in the political sphere. Where could this country have gone if instead of directing us towards a divisive war or divisive discourse we had been exposed to a vision of hope, of bridging divides and creating unity across difference? We need leadership that is going to challenge us to fulfill our potential as individuals and as a nation.

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