Stepping out of the local political scene onto the global one for a minute (perhaps one can now say, in the inverse of the familiar dictum, that "all politics is global"). I have been thoroughly disappointed in Thabo Mbeki's
lack of leadership in not putting pressure on Robert Mugabe to be fair in his dealings with the people of Zimbabwe rather trying to take the presidency to the grave with him and throwing his country into chaos in the process. I am delighted that the ANC's chairman, Jacob Zuma, has
called on the Zimbabwean authorities to release the election results. Too many African leaders are hedging their bets for the day they'll have to pull a 'Mugabe'. Kudos to Mr. Zuma. It is now time for our presidential candidates in the US to show some global leadership, not by demonizing Mugabe as the western powers are wont to do, but by appealing to the better angels of the Zimbabwean ruling class. Obama where are you? See my posts on the issue on my other blog,
African Currents.
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