"It is better to be quiet and be thought a fool than to open your mouth and remove all doubt."
Abraham Lincoln via Rev. Wright (Paraphrase of Proverbs 17:28)
Here's what I think Senator Obama needs to do. Offload Rev. Wright. I don't think anyone can blame him at this point. The presidency has become more important than this relationship. He needs to simply say,
Rev. Wright is no longer my pastor, I will continue my relationship with the church because it is my church family. Rev. Wright has become a distraction to the task hand which is determining the future of the United States. We need to focus on the needs of the American.
Note to Rev. Wright. There is such a thing as ogbon agba--the wisdom of the elder. It is time to behave like an elder. The Yoruba say eyin l'oro. Words are like an egg--you cannot take them back. It is not about you and it is necessary to stand back for the larger goal. This is the message Tavis Smiley received a few weeks ago. All your life, you've been fighting for the progress of the African-American. This is the moment; it is a kairos moment. You've done your part. There is a season for everything. It's not about you. Yes, you should defend yourself, but recognize your audience. Bill Moyers was appropriate; the National Press Club was foolish. I know the last few months have been painful but your legacy would have been redeemed in time if you knew how to, in the words of Congressman Clyburn, chiiill.
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