... for a new dawn. It will be quite a powerful moment in America's history if this is the family in the White House. Photo Credit: Doug Mils/NY Times.
Update I: Lola Adesioye, in her Guardian column, writes of the symbolism of Obama's candidacy to young black America,
Obama has gone to some lengths to avoid being pigeon-holed as "the black candidate". However, the significance of a man who looks like them, has a message that they identify with and provides a relevant role model, is not lost on young African-Americans who have turned out to vote in record numbers this year. According to the Pew Research Centre, Obama's youth vote has been particularly high in states which have significant black populations such as Georgia, South Carolina, Missouri and Alabama.Rebeca Walker has a column about the power of this same image for her and her son. She writes,
Watching Obama tonight reminded me of how important it is to give our children glimpses of greatness in whatever form we can, and how each moment builds on the last. During Obama's speech I thought of all things I want to make sure my son knows.
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