Wednesday, April 23, 2008

The Elephant in the Room

Hmmh. Someone is finally broaching the subtext to why Mr. Obama can't seem to get the blue collar vote in places like Pennsylvania and Ohio. Adam Nagourney writes about the role race MIGHT be playing here. Admittedly, Rev. Wright videos and the San Fran comments didn't help. It's worth noting that the African American voting block has faithfully supported the white presidential candidates of the party. And if they do decide to sit out or vote against a Clinton nominee it would not be opposing her because of her difference but because of a perceived overthrow of a black candidate who has played by all the rules. And even now, according to Nagourney's article, they are more willing to support Mrs. Clinton than whites are to support Obama. Jon Stewart best sums up the subtext to all this when asked Obama, "Will you pull a bait and switch sir, and enslave the white race?"

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