Monday, April 21, 2008

Notes to an Aspiring Politician

  • Don't overestimate the intelligence of the voter (my man, DC, gets the credit for this one).
  • When in doubt, keep it simple, repeat often.
  • If you are unable to control your urge to give long nuanced explanations; precede them with a short concise refutation, apology, or admission.
  • Everything you say can be used against you [in the court of public opinion].
  • Do not try to explain your voters to themselves.
  • Don't try to explain one group of voters to another group of voters, especially when the door is closed!
  • There is no such thing as new politics; there is only politics.
  • The truth of polls is not in the numbers.
  • There is no truth, there's only spin.
  • Negative campaigning works [against you], whether, you like it or not.
  • There is no such thing as an undecided voter, just those who won't reveal their decision.
  • There is no such thing as a compassionate conservative; there is no such thing as a unifying liberal.
  • Offense is a whole lot more effective than defense.
  • Don't play by the rules, make the rules.
  • Don't wait for the media to come to reason, tell them what to think!

p.s. I'll be updating and expounding these as they come to me.

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